Krystal Gagnon ENG 225 Categories and Functions of Sound – Cast Away

Describe the three basic categories of sound.

Movies have always included music to help create the mood of a scene/film. It was the addition of dialogue and sound effects that significantly changed how we watch movies. Dialogue is conversation between two or more characters in a film that help to advance the plot and story line of the movie. Sound affects help to enhance the actions that are taking place, giving a more realistic, believable feel to the movie.

Explain how the different categories of sound are being used in your chosen film.

The film Cast Away opens with urgent music, and the sounds of a busy city. After the initial scenes there is very limited dialogue, and the sounds of nature which enhances the seclusion of Chuck Noland as he is stranded on a deserted island. With the limited use of dialogue more importance is given to the dialogue that is used. The sounds of storms, fire and the ocean give a loneliness to the story. The story line has a dramatic feel to it that stems from the background music and sound effects.

Assess how the scene or sequence would play differently if you changed or removed a key category of sound.

Without the roar of winds, fire, and the ocean, the story would become dull and less emotionally captivating. Without dialogue the audience loses it’s understanding of Chuck’s need for companionship and his mental slip with reality based on that companionship with his volleyball Wilson. The storms lose their intensity which lessens the dramatic feel. The music entices an emotional response from the audience and if that music is changed the movie does not produce the same emotional response.


Goodykoontz, B. & Jacobs, C. P. (2014). Film: From watching to seeing (2nd ed.). San Diego,

CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Netflix ( – subscription based

Internet Movie Database – IMBD (

Krystal Gagnon ENG225 Lighting


Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

Type of Lighting

This movie consists of a combination of lighting techniques from natural to three-point to underling lighting.

What are the benefits of the style of lighting used?

The natural lighting is used in outdoor settings that allow the scene to feel more realistic and believable. The three-point lighting helps the characters to stand out in a crowd and the underling light gives specific scenes the correct amount of creepiness.

How did this technique contribute to the theme?

Using this combination of techniques gives the movie a since of mobility and action as well as draws in the audience on an emotional level.

How was the lighting technique suited to the genre of the film?

In this form of movie the lighting helps the audience to feel involved in story. Video two features Natural lighting giving the speakers a since authority and truth. Video one displays the use of underling light to create an atmosphere that keeps you at the edge of your seat and lets you feel like anything is possible.

Compare how the scene would play if different choices had been made.

If this story had been presented in a different manner that had less shadowing there would not be as believable

Video 1

Video 2

Krystal Gagnon ENG225 Blog 1

Cast Away (2000) Poster

TITLE: Cast Away

WRITER: William Broyles Jr.

DIRECTOR: Robert Zemeckis



STORY: A successful business man is the lone survivor when his plane crashes into the ocean.

He is washed ashore on to a deserted island where he must learn to survive on his own, and fights insanity from seclusion.

PLOT: We first meet Chuck Noland while he is on a business trip in Russia. Chuck has really

made a name for himself and now helps to improve FedEx all over the world. Though Chuck is in a relationship he is married to his job as is his girlfriend grad student Kelly Frears. One Christmas Chuck decides to change all this and proposes to Kelly as he is rushing to catch a plan for another business trip.

Unfortunately the plane goes down somewhere over the Pacific Ocean leaving Chuck the lone survivor to wash up on the shore of an abandoned island in a life boat.   At first this obsessed business man cherishes and protects the FedEx packages that wash ashore with and after him. After being on the island for several days he loses hope of being rescued and in an escape attempt in the life raft is thrown under water where he injures his leg and is again washed ashore. Now realizing that he must survive he opens the FedEx packages hoping for any form of assistance with survival. One important survival item is a Wilson brand volleyball that becomes his only friend.

Back home no one knows what has happened to Chuck and a body was never recovered. Chuck is presumed dead and his family and friends move on without him. After living four years on the island Chuck has learned the ins and outs of the tides and plans his escape. Building a raft and making rope from trees he braves the tides that have held him captive and escapes to the open ocean. He is eventually picked up by a ship which takes him home. Once home life is not as easy as he remembers.